{% extends "layout.html" %} {% load static %} {% block content %}


Welcome to my website

Marcel Plch

I am an open-source enthusiast and love teaching people important stuff about technology. Currently, I'm trying to start up a small business based on web development and software support. There should be a section about this somewhere around here soon™!

Open Source

I contribute to a few projects.

You can check out most of my contributions on my GitHub


Cryptography is what keeps all of our data secure. My solutions don't take security lightly. In any way you ever communicate with me, there either already is some kind of cryptography invloved, or you can request to validate my message using GPG. Never trust any message from me that looks important, if it's not cryptographically easy to verify.

Ethical software

Ethical software are programs that are written and deployed in such a way that they have no way of containing any malicious code. All of the software I recomment and/or provide here on my website are open-source programs.

Open-source is the first fundamental stone of ethical software, it makes the source code available to all programmers around the world so they can download, modify, redistribute and check what the software is doing.

There are more ways to ensure that your software is ethical and even proprietary software may be ethical. Read some of my articles on my website (to be added) to learn what ethical software is.

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